These seven countries are part of this project


Please note that this section must be completed jointly by all institutions participating in the Partnership and must be identical in each copy submitted to each National Agency.
Summary of the planned partnership in the communication language of the project. This description may be used by the
European Commission and/or the National Agency when providing information on selected.
Europe needs to boost its entrepreneurial culture and stimulate an environment in which small firms can be created, thrive and expand. Europe needs more entrepreneurs, more innovation and more high-growth SMEs. This is why it is necessary to stimulate the entrepreneurial mindsets of young people. It can be made for example by:
- increasing the number of start-ups and boosting their resilience,
- helping small firms innovate and go international,
- promoting the entrepreneurship among young people.

Entrepreneurship is a competence for everyone, helping young people to be more creative and self-confident in whatever they undertake. The main objectives to increasing the youth entrepreneurship, specially from VET background, are following:
- to gather information on existing good practice and provide examples;
- to identify the factors of success and the main obstacles;
- to identify and exchange best practice in promoting entrepreneurship;
- to promote the exchange of experience.

Therefore in our Project we will :
- find and show the good practices in promoting entrepreneurship,
- search and present the biographies successful businessmen / businesswomen who can be a good example for the young entrepreneurs,
- introduce the practical and safe ways of creating business in partner countries,
- involve VET students in preparing the methods, visual/graphic identities and elements (logo, poster, leaflet, ect.) for promoting entrepreneurship among other young people.

The target group of our Project will be the VET teachers, trainers and student.
Please describe the motivation for this project and why this project is needed.
 "According to the data of the Statistical Office of the European Communities, unemployment rate in EU is 17,1 % for persons younger that 25 years, while this rate is 7,0% for persons having 25 years and older. Official reports show that youth unemployment becomes bigger and bigger social problem. It has long-term negative consequences as it occurs at the beginning of a person's working life: not only does the person suffer from a lack of income, but they also miss opportunities for skills development. Youth unemployment often is associated with rising crime and the emergence of an underclass with its own subculture and rules. Europe needs more new firms, more entrepreneurs willing to embark on innovative ventures, and more high-growth SMEs. The Commission has outlined a set of recommendations aimed to enhance the role of education in creating a more entrepreneurial culture in European societies. Starting from an early age, school education should stimulate young people's awareness of entrepreneurship as options for their future, and help them to be more creative and self-confident in whatever they undertake.” (Source: The Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education in Europe).

This is why it is necessary to stimulate the entrepreneurial mindsets of young people. Entrepreneurship refers to an individual's ability to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, sense of initiative, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. The entrepreneurship competence includes therefore transversal skills and attitudes as well as more specialised knowledge and business skills. In a broad sense, entrepreneurship should be considered as a mindset that supports everyone in day-to-day life at home and in society, and provides a foundation for entrepreneurs establishing a social or commercial activity. Entrepreneurship is a key competence for lifelong learning, as defined in the 2006 European Framework for Key Competences.

Education for entrepreneurship is already high on the agenda in most EU Member States. A wide variety of programmes and activities exist across Europe. However, there is a need of promoting these initiatives more systematically. The European Commission is committed to promoting education for entrepreneurship at all levels, from primary school to university and beyond. The Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2006 on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning identifies the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship’ as one of eight key competencies to be instilled at all stages of education and training.

“Entrepreneurship is a competence for everyone, helping young people to be more creative and self-confident in whatever they undertake.“ (Source: BEST PROCEDURE PROJECT: “ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING”, FINAL REPORT OF THE EXPERT GROUP, Final version, November 2009, Author: EUROPEAN COMMISSION, ENTERPRISE AND INDUSTRY DIRECTORATE-GENERAL).

Entrepreneurship is included in the national curricula for vocational education in a majority of European countries, at least to some extent. In some of those countries (such as in Estonia, Spain and Poland) participation is compulsory, but in most cases entrepreneurship is an optional subject or is compulsory only in some parts of the vocational education system and not in others. But in most cases a perception that the situation is not yet satisfactory, and that there is still a gap to be filled.

This gap should be filled for example by:
-  giving the examples of possible approaches and methods that can be used in disseminating entrepreneurship within vocational education;
- supporting the exchange of good practices in promoting entrepreneurship;
- presenting entrepreneurship in a practical way;
- publishing and dissemination the case studies and good practices.

Therefore, this is the aim of our Project. 

The objectives of our Project are:
- to disclose the entrepreneurial spirit of youths (specially among young VET students);
- to increase business English among VET students and teachers;
- to support young people to be more inspired and self-confidence for their future business life across Europe;
- to specify the elements of success and main obstacles in business life in partner countries;
- to specify and exchange best practices in promoting about entrepreneurship in partner countries;
- to emphasize the role of public policies and identify relevant support measures to have a business life in partner countries;
- to gain a deeper understanding of partner countries’ society, culture, people and business life to have a successful business;
- to determine European entrepreneurial successful role models for young people;
- to connect young entrepreneurs of future to their peers and essential resources to achieve business success in partner countries;
- to search for good practices and evolve/develop/find out new ways and methods for promoting entrepreneurship in Europe (through the competitions);
- to emphasize availability of business opportunities and conditions for young people across Europe;
- to exchange experiences, practises and methods of participating institutions in promoting entrepreneurship in participant countries;
- to provide for the teacher staff a better vocational teaching in the field of entrepreneurship;
- to create new jobs for the other young people in near future;
- to explore new business sectors and opportunities for young entrepreneurs in different European countries.
The partnership will reach these objectives through:
- searching for the good practices in the area of promoting entrepreneurship among young people, specially VET students in the partner countries;
- preparing relevant materials about the legal conditions and needed information concerning to making business in each partner country (business guide for young entrepreneurs);
- preparing biographies of successful businessmen/ businesswomen who can be good examples for young entrepreneurs;
-  organizing the two kind of competitions for young people in each partner country:
1) method of motivation young people for promoting entrepreneurship,
2) visual / graphical identity and elements (logo, poster, leaflet, etc) of the promoting youth entrepreneurship;
- determining new and motivating methods after the competitions;
- creating the dedicated website
- five newsletters.

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